Warm spaces for Powys

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Brief description

In  Powys, a directory of all participating organisations hosting warm place initiatives is listed on the council's website.

https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/13699/Warm-spaces-directory-launched and https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=513535827471969&id=100064466688611&set=a.304530008372553

Our photographs show the facilities at Hay Castle.

Hay Castle Trust

"Accessible entrance, Free wi-fi, Free devices to use, Charging facilities for phones and other devices, Work stations for agile working, Hot drinks, cordial and biscuits, Dairy alternative - oat milk / almond milk, Magazines, Newspapers, Library corner, Book borrowing/swap, Toilets: Disabled toilets, Baby changing facilities, Activities and Play equipment, Outdoor space/activities

Hay Castle will be offering a Warm Space within the Former State Room, the beautiful Clore Learning Space on the first floor of Hay Castle.  It is a pleasant space with a view across Hay Castle lawn to the Black Mountains. The visitor's room is warm with comfortable seating, reading material available and there will be a selection of creative activities as required.

Visitor's entry is free to all. Donations are welcome to cover tea and coffee.

Accessible by bus route number T14."





https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/13699/Warm-spaces-directory-launched and https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=513535827471969&id=100064466688611&set=a.304530008372553



Opening Times

Always check with the venue directly for up-to-date information including opening times and admission charges as they may be subject to change



Travel Information

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